Today I spoke with a woman named Kathy, she is the Sr. Library Assistant at the downtown Saint Joseph public library, about using the library as a venue. She actually was really fond of the idea and readily accepted the idea. I was so excited when I heard that she would in fact be willing to sponsor my event at the library. So I now have a venue! I now have step two done, but I bet your wondering why I am describing the S.S Awesome, when previously I stated the Titanic... well theres was one catch.
I have solved the answer to "where" but not the "when!" See the issue is that I really want to hold this event on a week-end. As the library is open on Saturdays 9;00am till 5;00pm, this is perfect for my event. The only problem; Available Saturdays... this coming one, and Saturday, October 9th. The project due date is October 8th. Thus I had to email my Tag teacher Mr. Haskey about perhaps allowing me one more day of wiggle room. I really want to do it on a Saturday as this gives me a full day to set up my event and a plentiful time frame to allow for the participants to learn the basics of the game.
My other options are that I can hold this event any Tuesday between now and then, but I fear if its on a weekday my turnout will be lessened. Plus the library is only open till 9:00pm... which is a bit late running for a school night event. So I'm in a bit of a doomsday dilemma here.
No matter I guess, I got good news and bad news today. The important thing is that Kathy the super nice Sr. Library Assistant is allowing me to run this event in the first place, and no matter the date I'm sure it will be a great time for all involved. Also worst comes to worst... I think that if I can I may run a session on a Tuesday for my project and then continue it outside of the TAG project on a Saturday after the deadline should Haskey reject my plea.
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