Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The End?

            Well This is is my last class mandatory entry for my project, and what a project its been. From seed to jungle an unrealized potential is how I would describe it. It's been a amazing journey from that day in TAG when I came to the idea to this weekend when I stood before those eager faces and said “let the games begin!” There has been ups and downs but in the end all that matters is the end project and how amazingly electric it was.

            Well It went very well, the morning of I woke with knots in my stomach and negative thoughts like wolves began to paw at my enthusiasm, but my love of teaching was my single beacon in the fog of despair. My passion for the game pushed me onward every second of this journey, every step, every time I climbed further out on those social branches to reach that lush ripe fruit which awaited me there.

            I think that through this entire project I have had the passion and the want but much like Renee from Elegance of the Hedgehog, I have been afraid to put my true elf to the world. “normal” people don't play role-playing games, they don't spend their weekends rolling dice and fighting dragons... and so I felt like around my non gamer friends I had to play the part of the dumb concierge. I hid my hobby in certain company because I was afraid people wouldn't except Dakoda McAlister the Dungeon Master, the Role player, or the kid who spends his Wednesdays pretending to be an elf or a gnome. And yet I think that over the course of this project I have found who I am and become comfortable with the way that people may see me. Though this project I have found inspiration and hope.

            It was amazing it was like my passion squared and personified. That library room was filled with a sunny electricity that made my hair stand up on end as I took center stage. All those faces looking at me, not judging me but listening as a child does to a parent. The sound of 15 people's hearts all beating in constrained excitement as they passionately waited for me to give the word and the Dungeon Masters to begin.

I was amazed and all in all my original goal was was met, the room was filled and we had three very successful tables going. Everyone I asked said that they would love to continue what we all started that day. I have approached the members of my table about playing some time outside of the project and words have been exchanged between e and Kathy. This project became much more in my eyes and heart then just a tag project, it speaks so much of beauty, and service, of friendship and unity, of pride and handwork. Very soon D&D may be a twice a month thing down at the public Library of Saint Joseph. I am for once excited about the future.

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